Parallel to the regular classes taught at the school, VOLUTA organizes activities that complement the musical training and experiences of our students, as well as of outsiders who only participate in them occasionally. These activities are articulated in:
Complementary musical training
Live Voluta
We organize visits to exhibitions, concerts… with the families of VOLUTA, creating an environment that encourages artistic sensitivity and the creation of bonds between the students of the school.
Musical awareness workshops for babies in collaboration with UTEM Escola de Música.
Weekend Voluta
Weekend seminars where professionals from a specialty (conducting, singing, historicism …) nurture the training of our students as well as other centers.
Voluta senior
When the health situation allows it with more tranquility, those over 55 will have their space in VOLUTA, approaching the world of music in a very experiential way.
VOLUTA Escola de Música
Pedagogical project in which the most important thing is the love for music and for children.
C/ Dr. Lanuza, 25 left
Alboraia 46120, Valencia
Regina Fuentes Gimeno/ María Suñén
623 101 150